01 化工 02 颜料 03 日化 04 燃料 05 医药 06 金属 07 机械 08 器具 09 电子 10 医用 11 灯具 12 车辆 13 火药 14 珠宝 15 乐器 16 文具 17 橡胶 18 皮具 19 建材 20 家具 21 厨具 22 绳网 23 纱线 24 布料 25 服装 26 纽扣 27 地毯 28 玩具 29 肉油 30 米面 31 果蔬 32 啤酒 33 非啤 34 烟草 35 广告 36 金融 37 建筑 38 通讯 39 运输 40 加工 41 文娱 42 科技 43 酒店 44 医疗 45 法律


编号 名称 英文
370003 电器的安装和修理 Electric appliance installation and repair
370014 办公机器和设备的安装、保养和修理 Office machines and equipment installation, maintenance and repair
370028 空调设备的安装和修理 Air conditioning apparatus installation and repair
370035 厨房设备安装 Kitchen equipment installation
370053 灌溉设备的安装和修理 Irrigation devices installation and repair
370058 机械安装、保养和修理 Machinery installation, maintenance and repair
370078 冷冻设备的安装和修理 Freezing equipment installation and repair
370116 计算机硬件安装、维护和修理 Installation, maintenance and repair of computer hardware
370117 清除电子设备的干扰 Interference suppression in electrical apparatus
370118 修复磨损或部分损坏的发动机 Rebuilding engines that have been worn or partially destroyed
370119 修复磨损或部分损坏的机器 Rebuilding machines that have been worn or partially destroyed
370130 鼓粉盒的再填充 Refilling of toner cartridges
370148 防洪设备的安装和修理 Installation and repair of flood protection equipment
370150 墨盒的再填充 Refilling of ink cartridges
C370002 医疗器械的安装和修理 Installation and maintenance of medical equipment
C370003 卫生设备的安装和修理 Installation and maintenance of sanitation facility
C370004 浴室设备的安装和修理 Installation and maintenance of bathroom facility
C370005 照明设备的安装和修理 Installation and maintenance of lighting facility
3D打印机的修理和维护 3D printer repair and maintenance
安装连接电话中心的电子和数字装置 Installation of electronic and digital devices connected to call center
办公机器和设备的修理 Repair of office machines and equipment
办公机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of office machines and equipment
理发店用机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of machine and equipment for barbershop
生产橡胶制品用机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of machines and equipment for rubber production
安装照明设备 Installation of lighting facility
半导体制造机器和系统的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of semiconductor manufacturing machines and system
包装机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of packing machines and equipment
玻璃器皿制造机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of glassware making machines and apparatus
捕鱼机器和装置的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of fishing machines and apparatus
采矿用机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of mining machines and equipment
测量测试设备的维修信息 Measurement and test equipment maintenance information
测量设备和仪器的修理或维护 Surveying equipment and instrument repair or maintenance
产油设备的安装 Installation of oil production equipment
传送带修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of conveyor belts
传真机修理 Fax machine repair
电动地板清洁机的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of electric floor cleaning machines
电动机修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of electric motors
电力和发电设备的安装 Installation of power and generating equipment
电信机器和设备的修理 Repair of telecommunication machines and equipment
电影机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of cinema machines and equipment
电子设备修理 Repair of electrical apparatus
电子照明设备的修理或维护 Electronic lighting equipment repair or maintenance
发电机修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of electric generator
伐木机器和设备的修理或维护 Lumbering machine and equipment repair or maintenance
纺织机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of textile machinery and equipment
非电烹饪加热器的修理 Maintenance of non-electric culinary heaters
非电烹饪加热器的维护 Repair of non-electric culinary heaters
废物粉碎机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of waste shredder and equipment
废物压实机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of waste compactors and equipment
风力发电设备的修理和维护 Repair and maintenance of wind power equipment
缝纫机修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of sewing machines
孵鸡器修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of brooders
孵卵器修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of incubator
高射投影仪的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of overhead projector
给水泵或增压泵的修理和维护 Repair and maintenance of feed water pump or booster pump
耕作机器和器具的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of cultivating machines and appliances
工业炉的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of industrial furnaces
工业洗碗机的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of industrial dishwasher
工业洗衣机的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of industry washer
工业用空气调节设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of industrial air conditioning equipment
工业用烹饪设备修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of industrial cooking equipment
供水设备维修 Water supply equipment repair
光伏装置的安装和维护 Installation and maintenance of photovoltaic device
光学机器和仪器的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of optical machines and instruments
化学加工机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of chemical processing machines and equipment
机器安装 Installation of machines
集成电路制造机器和装置的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of an integrated circuit manufacturing machine and device
挤奶机修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of milking machines
计算机及其周边设备的安装、修理和维护 Installation, repair and maintenance of computers and their peripherals
计算机维修 Computer repair
计算机系统的安装 Installation of computer system
计算机修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of computers
计算机硬件的安装和修理 Installation and repair of computer hardware
计算机硬件的升级 Upgrading of computer hardware
计算机硬件维护 Maintenance of computer hardware
计算机硬件修理 Repair of computer hardware
建筑机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of construction machines and equipment
金属加工机器和工具的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of metal processing machines and tools
金属加工机械和设备的修理 Repair of metal working machinery and equipment
空气过滤装置的维修 Air filter unit repair
空调出风口的密封服务 Air conditioning vent seal service
空调清洗服务 Air conditioning cleaning
冷冻机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of refrigerating machines and apparatus
美容院用机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of machine and equipment for beauty salon
木材加工机器和设备的修理或维护 Wood processing machine and equipment repair or maintenance
牛奶过滤器修理 Repair of milk filters
农业机器和工具的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of agricultural machines and tools
配电或控电机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of distribution or electrokinesis machines and equipment
烹饪用具的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of cookware
起重机的修理 Repair of cranes
潜水机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of underwater diving machines and equipment
燃气热水器的修理或维护 Gas water heater repair or maintenance
实验室设备和仪器的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of laboratory equipment and instruments
试验设备和仪器的修理或维护 Testing equipment and instrument repair or maintenance
视频机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of video machines and equipment
视听设备安装咨询服务 Consultation service for installation of audio-visual equipment
收割机械和器具的修理或维护 Repair of maintenance of harvesting machinery and appliances
水净化设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of water purifying installation
水污染控制设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of water pollution control equipment
饲料粉碎机修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of feed grinder
饲料混合机修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of fodder mixer
饲料切碎机修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of feed cutter
塑料加工机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of plastic processing machine
太阳热能装置的安装和维护 Installation and maintenance of solar power plant
通信用机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair and maintenance of communication machines and equipment
涂漆机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of painting machines and equipment
无线电设备或电视设备的修理 Repair of radio equipment or television equipment
消费电子产品的修理 Repair of consumer electronics
消费性电器维护 Maintenance of consumer electrical appliances
修理受损电脑 Repair of damaged computer
修理照明设备 Lighting equipment repair
烟草加工机修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of tobacco processing machines
养蚕机器和器具的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of sericulture machines and appliances
娱乐用机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of machines and equipment for entertainment
浴缸修理 Bathtub repair
运载工具用清洗装置的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of cleaning apparatus for vehicles
造纸机器和设备的修理或维护 Papermaking machine and equipment repair or maintenance
轧饲料机修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of fodder presses
照明设备安装咨询服务 Consultation service for installation of lighting facility
真空吸尘器修理 Vacuum cleaner repair
植物纤维加工机械和器具的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of plant fiber processing machines and appliances
纸加工机器和设备的修理或维护 Paper conversion machine and equipment repair or maintenance
制鞋用机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of shoe making machines and equipment
制纸浆机器和设备的修理或维护 Paper pulp machines and equipment repair or maintenance
助听器的修理和维护 Repair or maintenance of hearing aid
铸造产品安装 Installation of foundry products
装卸机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of loading machines and equipment
自动售货机修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of vending machines
修理医疗器械 Medical apparatus and instruments repair
医疗机器和设备的修理 Repair of medical machines and equipment
医疗机器和设备的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of medical machines and equipment
医疗设备和仪器维护 Maintenance of medical equipment and instruments
机械停车装置的修理或维护 Repair and maintenance of mechanical stopping device
工业用水净化设备的修理或维护 Repair and maintenance of industrial water purifying installation