01 化工 02 颜料 03 日化 04 燃料 05 医药 06 金属 07 机械 08 器具 09 电子 10 医用 11 灯具 12 车辆 13 火药 14 珠宝 15 乐器 16 文具 17 橡胶 18 皮具 19 建材 20 家具 21 厨具 22 绳网 23 纱线 24 布料 25 服装 26 纽扣 27 地毯 28 玩具 29 肉油 30 米面 31 果蔬 32 啤酒 33 非啤 34 烟草 35 广告 36 金融 37 建筑 38 通讯 39 运输 40 加工 41 文娱 42 科技 43 酒店 44 医疗 45 法律


编号 名称 英文
370004 电梯安装和修理 Elevator installation and repair; Lift installation and repair
370015 火警器的安装与修理 Fire alarm installation and repair
370016 防盗报警系统的安装与修理 Burglar alarm installation and repair
370025 修鞋 Shoe repair
370065 雨伞修理 Umbrella repair
370066 阳伞修理 Parasol repair
370073 气筒或泵的修理 Pump repair
370084 电话安装和修理 Telephone installation and repair
370106 磨刀 Knife sharpening
370123 人工造雪 Artificial snow-making services
370126 艺术品修复 Restoration of works of art
370127 乐器修复 Restoration of musical instruments
370129 游泳池维护 Swimming-pool maintenance
370134 排水泵出租 Rental of drainage pumps
370136 维修电力线路 Repair of power lines
370139 乐器调音 Tuning of musical instruments
370144 洗碗机出租 Rental of dish washing machines
370145 碗碟干燥机出租 Rental of dish drying machines
C370008 手工具修理 Repair of hand tools
C370009 珠宝首饰修理 Repair of jewelry ornaments
C370011 娱乐体育设备的安装和修理 Installation and maintenance of entertainment or sports facilities
电梯(升降机)修理或维护 Repair of maintenance of elevator (lift)
电梯安装 Elevator installation
电梯和升降设备安装服务 Installation service of elevator and lifting appliances
电梯修理 Elevator repair
客梯安装咨询服务 Passenger lift installation consultation service
乐器调音服务 Instrument tuning service
乐器修理或维护 Repair of maintenance of musical instruments
火警报警器修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of fire alarms
火器修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of firearms
擦鞋服务 Shoes polishing
电话设备安装咨询服务 Telephone device installation consultation service
电话线安装 Telephone line installation
电话修理 Telephone repair
电话装置的修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of telephone device
智能电话的修理和维护 Repair or maintenance of smart phone
磨菜刀 Kitchen knife sharpening
磨剪刀 Scissors sharpening
泵的修理和保养 Pump repair and maintenance
泵的修理或保养 Repair or maintenance of pump
古籍修复服务 Ancient books reparation service
绘画作品修复服务 Painting restoration service
书法作品修复服务 Calligraphy works restoration service
储罐的清洗 Storage tank cleaning
储油罐修理或维护 Repair or maintenance of oil storage tank
钓具修理 Fishing tackle repair
工业用洗碗机租赁 Rental of industrial dish-washing machines
行李箱维修 Trunks [luggage] maintenance
滑雪板调试服务 Skis debugging service
化粪池清理 Septic tank cleaning
家用洗碗机租赁 Rental of household dish-washing machines
首饰维修 Jewelry maintenance
书籍修理和修复 Repair and restoration of books
双筒望远镜修理 Binoculars repair
水族池的维护 Maintenance of aquarium pool
台球设备修理 Billiards equipment repair
玩具或玩具娃娃的修理 Repair of toys or dolls
游戏机及游戏装置的修理 Repair of recreational machines and device
游泳池清洁服务 Swimming pool cleaning service
运动器械修理 Sports equipment repair